Happy Halloween!!
I hope you guys are having a fun, relaxing weekend.
Last night me and my little man went trick or treating with friends.
We usually go trick or treating with hubby
But this year was different, way different.
Little man had more fun and I can say that he's more into it.
Maybe because there's kids with him.
Or maybe because he's in that age where doing things like this is really fun.
I let him picked what he wants to be, Well I showed him his options.
..And he picked spiderman.
I love it!
I didn't plan it but my friend told me she can paint my face too
since she planned on doing it on her face.
...And why not? feels like these couple of
halloween party's we went to I look pretty much the same
a change is good.
Can you believe she did that for like 15 minutes?
she's so good!
It was a gorgeous day, The weather here has been so
confusing so cold when you wake up but at night you would want to
turn on your AC back on.
Sometimes I don't know what to do anymore.
But, It was such a good day.
It got cold a little bit when we got done.
But the colors of trees.
just so relaxing.
I'm such a proud mom the whole time were trick or treating.
This is the first year he is like this.
So energetic, he knows what to do and he really looks like hes enjoying it.
Really though, the little things like this makes me cry
My son is such a big boy already..
We were walking for almost couple of hours and he never complained at all.
Anyways.. I'm so impressed with some of the halloween decorations we saw.
Freaky, creepy.
So awesome!
This is the 3rd time I went trick or treating here in the U.S.
...and I can say its the best so far.
Looking forward for more awesome ones with my kids in the future.
..And yeah lots of candies!
Now, I need a lot of power to stay away a little bit from these.