Friday, July 12, 2024

Ramsteiner Hausbrau

Our first German Meal!!

We wanted to do it comfortably for our first time,
I'm so glad that the Base has a German Restaurant.

Their decor was pretty nice!

We went in for an early Dinner so there was not much people there.

The only thing I didn't like about the experience is that it's self serve.
But i think it was still pretty good!


My big boy had a Burger.

 Hubby had a Schnitzel with white sauce,
and it was a good choice because it was oh so good!


I felt like having meat that day so I ordered this.
I am so sorry for not remembering the name,
But it was sooo good!

We also ordered sausages for appetizers and it was all on point.

The perfect bite!

It was such an amazing first German meal!

so grateful to be here!!


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