Friday, February 6, 2015

"Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher."


Had a great day yesterday, I have never had such a fun day like this in a long time.
My friend was in town so she decided to stop by to hangout with us, She is my son's Godmother so she loves to visit him once in a while.

She made two of my favorite Filipino dishes..
It definitely taste and felt like I'm home.. Were talking in Tagalog and having Filipino lunch. It was the best! :)

She is a really good cook especially Filipino food, so I always love it when she cooks for us. Then I make her any cookies that she want. I made her M&M's cookies and No-Bake Oatmeal cookies. The recipe is on my post yesterday The recipe is here.

We went outdoor to do some walking and sightseeing since they don't live here, I showed them some places and we stopped by at the church. It was a really fun day. I can't wait to do the same thing when I come over to their place this spring.
How was your day?

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